Risk Assessment & Management Policy

Last updated: October 26th, 2020

It is recognised that risks are part of our lives and no activity or action is completely risk-free. According to the [INSERT AS APPROPRIATE] teachings, we trust in God but we also need to tie the camel, that is, we must take all necessary precautions to reduce the risks and minimise the effect of any accidents/mishaps.


  1. To assure Dar Al-Arqam supplementary school congregation, staff, volunteers, visitors and others Dar Al-Arqam supplementary school, that Dar Al-Arqam supplementary school takes their safety and welfare seriously.
  2. To ensure that all risks based on the activities/events/visits/equipment/facilities/resources are assessed properly and managed effectively.
  3. To protect Dar Al-Arqam supplementary school people, reputation, resources and those joining/visiting/using any Dar Al-Arqam supplementary school activity/facility/service from harm.
  4. To specify the process for assessing and managing risks.


  1. All organisers or events/activities and managers will carry out full risk assessment using the form given in the appendix. Risk assessment is a simple process in which these things are considered when organising an activity (such as youth football club) or event (such as a large gathering] or carrying out a task such as cleaning:
    1. ‘What could go wrong’ [hazards such as someone drinking bleach from the bleach bottle in the cleaning cupboard
    2. ‘How likely it is that things could go wrong’ [likelihood – medium likelihood because bleach bottle is always there and children and vulnerable adults come to the Dar Al-Arqam supplementary school every day]
    3. ‘If it did go wrong, who could get hurt’ [potential victims]
    4. ‘If it did go wrong, how much damage it may cause’ [impact – a person who drinks bleach may die if untreated immediately – so a major impact]
  1. After the risk assessment, relevant person /organiser /manager /volunteer will make sure that
    1. the risks are managed effectively;
    2. each planned action is allocated to someone;
    3. the actions are carried out adequately and timely;
    4. any accidents or near accidents and other learning points/observations are recorded and shared with relevant people for future improvements.

Learning from risk assessment

  1. When assessing any risks, collect information from different reliable sources such as knowledgeable and experienced people, partner organisations, law enforcement agencies, previous interactions and others).
  2. Analyse and assess the information and consult relevant people.
  3. After the risk assessment, keep a written record of the people consulted, decisions made, actions taken and lessons learned.
  4. The completed risk assessment and management form for each activity/event will be kept by the person in-charge of that activity/event.
  5. A copy of all completed risk assessment and management form will be kept in a master Risk Register file that must be available at the HM office for anyone to inspect.
  6. Even if a booking application for an event/speaker/activity has been accepted or an activity has been planned by the Dar Al-Arqam supplementary school itself, HM may later decide to cancel the booking/event/activity because of new information or change in the situation.
  7. Make sure that all existing and new staff members/volunteers/committee members read the previous risk assessment record relevant to an event/activity/task that they are planning or getting involved in.

Key areas of risk assessment

  1. People:
    1. Children (such as those attending the classes at the Dar Al-Arqam supplementary school)
    2. Elders coming for congregational prayers
    3. Ladies attending any event
    4. Neighbours being affected by Dar Al-Arqam supplementary school activities and visitors
    5. External speakers
    6. People staying overnight in the Dar Al-Arqam supplementary school
    7. Employees/volunteers carrying out their duties
    8. Other visitors
  1. Resources:
    1. Cash and other donations
    2. Office equipment such computers
    3. Dar Al-Arqam supplementary school equipment such as microphones
    4. Cars parked in the Dar Al-Arqam supplementary school car park
  1. Types of risks:
    1. Child/vulnerable adult abuse
    2. Fire risk
    3. Slips, trips, falls and other accidents resulting in personal injury
    4. Theft/fraud
    5. Extremist/violent or controversial ideas being spread
    6. Food poisoning
    7. Bomb/other explosions and risk of other terrorist or other attacks
    8. Regulatory compliance (such as insurance and tax)
  1. Activities:
    1. Daily prayers
    2. Large gatherings
    3. Nightly programmes
    4. External fundraising
    5. Literature distribution


Name of the person completing the form:

Name(s) of the person(s) consulted:

Name of the person reviewing the completed form:

Date completed:

Note: Please complete this form in as much detail as possible. The event/activity organiser must keep the completed form with them and give a copy to the Dar Al-Arqam supplementary school office to be filed in the Risk Register.

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