Quran School Application Form

    Dear Parent/Guardian:
    Please complete the following application form and accept the school terms and conditions to enrol your child:

    School Preference - Your Opionin Matters To Us

    Which study choice do you prefer for your child while studying at our School?

    OnlineAt the centre

    Could you frankly tell us why you've picked that choice?

    Student's Details

    Child's Full Name:
    Child's Date of Birth:


    Parents/Guadrians Details

    Guardian 1
    Full name:
    Phone Number:

    Guardian 2
    Full Name:
    Phone Number:

    Other Details

    What is your home language?

    If other, please specify:

    Has your child previously attended Quran and Islamic studies Classes?

    If yes, please state where and for how long:

    Do any of your other children attend these classes?

    If yes, please give their details; name and date of birth:

    Does your child suffer from any allergies, illnesses, disabilities, etc.?

    if yes, please give full details:

    Are there any other matters you think we should know about in the interest of your child’s welfare and safety while at Al-Arqam Quran School?

    If yes, please give full details:


    We can help your child speak Arabic fluently

    Contact Us