Health & Safety Policy

Last updated: October 26th, 2020


This is a statement of organisations and arrangements (code of practice) for Dar Al-Arqam supplementary school

The Management is committed to ensuring a high standard of health, safety and welfare for all staff, children, visitors and contractors.

  • This statement deals with those aspects over which the management has control and covers safety associated with the building structure, plant, fixed equipment and services. It describes how the management are discharging their responsibilities in respect of children, visitors and other employees who are present on mosque premises in the internal organisation, management and discipline of the mosque in accordance with the Articles of Government.
  • The aim of the statement is to ensure that all reasonably practical steps are taken to ensure the safety and welfare of all the persons using the premises:
  1.  To establish and maintain a safe and healthy environment throughout the mosque;
  2.  To establish and maintain safe working procedures among staff and children;
  3.  To make arrangements for ensuring safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use, storage and transport of articles and substances;
  4. To ensure the provision of sufficient information, instruction and supervision to enable all people working on the site and children to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their own safety and health at work and to ensure that they have access to health and safety training as and when provided;
  5.  To maintain a safe and healthy place of work and safe access and exit from it;
  6.  To formulate effective procedures for use in case of fire and other emergencies and for evacuating the mosque premises;
  7.  To lay down procedures to be followed in case of an accident;
  8.  To provide and maintain adequate welfare facilities
  9.  Review from time to time; the provision of first aid in the mosque the emergency regulations

ORGANISATION OF HEALTH AND SAFETY AT Dar Al-Arqam supplementary school

This section detail the structure set up within the mosque to deal with Health, Safety

The Management is responsible and accountable for ensuring that the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work Acts are complied with.

  1. Within the mosque the day-to-day implementation of the Health and Safety Policy is the responsibility of the Vice Chair, within the limits that practices which cannot effectively be dealt with by the mosque will be reported to the Management.
  2. All members of staff have a duty to ensure that they have read and are following the required safe codes of practice and adhere to the Mosque Health and Safety Policies.
  3. The Vice Chair will:
  • set up arrangements in mosque to cover health and safety legal requirements:
  • bring these to the attention of all staff and Management
  • revise the arrangements as necessary
  • keep a record of the arrangements
  • monitor the arrangements
  • report to the Management regarding the implementation of the arrangements and will ensure that:
  • The attention of the Management or their representative is drawn to any breach of the statutory regulation or unsafe practice, which cannot be effectively dealt with, by the mosque.
  • Staffs under their control have understood their responsibilities as defined in the Mosque’s Health & Safety Policy.
  • Assistance will be given to the Management in making all staff fully aware of relevant Health and Safety legislation, all known hazards that may affect them and Health and Safety training courses provided.
  • Unsafe practice is discontinued and any equipment, which is unsafe, is withdrawn from use and reported.
  • The mosque premises are maintained to a high standard of good housekeeping, i.e. passageways, particularly fire exit routes should be kept clear and unobstructed.
  • Any activities carried out in the mosque comply with established safe systems of work.
  • Accidents, near misses and dangerous occurrences within the mosque are reported in accordance with approved procedures.
  • Approved items of First Aid are made available, properly maintained and all employees are made aware of their location.
  • All necessary plant, equipment and substances are made available in a safe condition and that safe access to, and egress from, the place of work are maintained, and that defects requiring the Management’ attention are reported as soon as possible in the maintenance Log Book
  • Any matter relating to Health and Safety brought to their attention receive appropriate action, either directly or through their representative.
  • Contractors and their employees working in the premises are made aware of the mosque’s commitment to Health and Safety and the Mosque Safety Policy Document, and must report to the vice chair before any work commences in order to gain permission to work.
  • That all Health & Safety instructions and advice issued by the Management are brought to the attention of all staff.

The Vice Chair recognise that, as they have only limited control over repairs to the fabric of buildings and some equipment, especially electrical equipment which is part of the fabric of the building, that the ultimate responsibility for these must rest with the Management.


  1. The specific duties of all of the staff at mosque are set out below. (The duties set out below may be altered from time to time in the light of new or revised legislation).
  2. In addition to the duties outlined above, every employee has a responsibility to make themselves familiar with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and other health and safety legislation and codes of practice which are relevant to the work of the department in which they work.
  3. They should take reasonable care of their own health and safety and any other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.
  4. Co-operate to enable any duty or requirement imposed on his or her employer or any other persons by or under any of the relevant statutory provisions to be met.
  5. Conform to all instructions, whether written or verbal, given to ensure personal safety or the safety of others.
  6. All staff are expected to familiarise themselves with the health and safety aspects of their work and to avoid conduct which would put them or anyone else at risk.
  7. Staff should attend training courses designed to further the needs of Health and Safety as required.
  8. They should be aware of the fire evacuation procedure and fire alarms and equipment as per instructions in the Fire Orders which are posted in every room.
  9. Be aware of the setting of the First Aid box nearest to their regular places of work.
  10. In particular all members of staff will:
  11. Be familiar with the Safety Policy and any and all safety regulations as laid down by the Management and the Health and Safety Policy of the Education Department
  12. Ensure health and safety regulations, rules, routines and procedures are being applied effectively by both staff and children;
  13. Check that all plant, machinery and equipment is adequately guarded;
  14. Check that all plant, machinery and equipment is in good and safe working order;
  15. Not make unauthorised or improper use of plant, machinery and equipment;
  16. Use the correct equipment and/or tools for the job and any protective equipment or safety devices which may be required;
  17. Ensure that toxic, hazardous and highly flammable substances are correctly used, stored and labelled;
  18. Report any defects in the premises, plant, equipment and facilities which they observe using the mosque reporting system;
  19. Take an active interest in promoting health and safety and suggest ways of reducing risks;
  20. As part of their lesson planning and preparation undertake an assessment of any potential for risk in the tasks they have set up or the way of working they have adopted and take appropriate steps to eliminate them;
  21. Report any hazard or malfunction to the Vice Chair;
  22. Use all suitable safety equipment and/or protective clothing as may be provided;
  23. Be sensibly dressed for their particular working conditions, so as to ensure their own safety and the safety of others;
  24. Avoid improvisation in any form, which could create unnecessary risks to health and safety;
  25. Maintain tools and equipment in good condition reporting any defects;
  26. Report all accidents and near misses whether injury is substantial or not.

Accidents and Near Misses – Reporting Procedure

  1. All accidents to mosque staff should be reported immediately to the Vice Chair. This applies to all persons employed by the mosque including teachers, ancillaries, cleaner etc.
  2. The person who has suffered the injury should be asked to give details to the Health & Safety Co-ordinator or a member of the management who will complete the details in the accident book. The accident must be reported as soon as possible after the accident whilst the circumstances are fresh in his/her memory. If this is not possible because, for instance, the person has reported the accident orally and then gone to hospital


Classroom Safety Rules for Teachers

  1. All bags and coats must be stored safely to prevent tripping. Aisles and gangways must be kept clear.
  2. All movement about the room must be controlled and take into accounts any hazards present.
  3. Any pupil misusing sharps or behaving in a way that creates a risk to himself or others must be removed from the room.
  4. Fire orders and escape routes must be on display in every room in the mosque.



Provision of First Aid

First Aiders are: 

1- Hisham Almahayni

2- Samy Khattab



All accidents are to be reported in the accident folder.

First Aid

First aid should only be administered in an emergency.


For dealing with children who are ill:

  • Send children to the office in the first instance. The pupil will either be sent back to class or arrangements made for him to be sent home.
  • In the case of a more serious injury or accident do not attempt to move the pupil. Ask a pupil to contact a First Aider. It may be obvious that an ambulance is needed, if so, the office should be asked to telephone immediately at that time.


It is the duty of all members of staff and management to carry out emergency procedures.

Note: Review of emergency procedures – from time to time will be necessary for review to be carried out of the provision of first aid in the mosque and the emergency regulations; where necessary the vice chair will make recommendations for improving the procedure laid down.


Fire Drill (staff instructions)

  1. Please ensure you note the nearest fire exit and route out, especially when teaching in an unfamiliar room or covering for an absent colleague. The fire exit signs will be visible in the corridors.
  2. Ensure all children leave in silence, in a single file and proceed to the front of the building. Please do NOT chat to children as you leave the building.
  3. Staff should follow the children, closing the door. Bags and coats should not be brought. It is more important to evacuate the building quickly than to wait and close windows.
  4. In the event of a fire the Vice Chair will ask the an available member of staff to call the Fire Brigade.
  5. Class Teachers using the registers will check attendance. The administrator on hearing the fire alarm must bring the registers, staff and children signing out sheet and visitors’ book.
  6. Class Teachers will notify the Vice Chair immediately if anyone is missing.
  7. The Mosque Administrator will keep a record of fire drills.


  1. All visitors must sign in and out.
  2. Staff and children must inform the office of their departure/return during a mosque session.


General Information for Children

We hope, of course, that a fire will never take place and it is essential that everyone take all reasonable steps to ensure that this does not happen. YOU CAN HELP BY MAKING SURE THAT ALL FIRE DOORS ARE KEPT CLOSED. This could be vital in stopping the spread of fire.

When the fire alarm sounds, you should:

  1. Obey without fail the instructions of members of staff.
  2. Leave the building by the exit identified by the teacher in SINGLE file and in SILENCE.
  3. Do not bring bags, coats, or any equipment with you.
  4. Go to the Fire Assembly designated Points in front of the mosque building. You should line up in a straight line.
  5. Do not panic.
  6. Wait quietly until you are told to return to the building.




Health and Safety information sent to the mosque is for the attention of the head imam and vice chair. These are sent on an ad hoc basis following information received from various sources, e.g. HSE, Trading Standards, Environmental Health Departments, Department of Education & Skills, Accident Investigations, etc.

The mosque will provide where specialist Health and Safety training is required for teacher to conduct their work safely. Such training will be on going.


The Health and Safety at Work, etc., Act 1974 states; It shall be the duty of every employee while at work:

  1. To take responsible care for the health and safety of him/herself and of any other persons who may be affected by his acts or omissions at work and
  2. As regards any duty or requirement imposed on his employer or any other person or under any of the relevant statutory provisions, to co-operate with him as far as it is necessary to enable that duty or requirement to be conformed or complied with.

The Act also states:

No person shall intentionally or recklessly interface with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety or welfare in pursuance of any other of the relevant statuary provisions.

In order that the laws can be observed and responsibilities to children and other visitors to mosque are carried out all employees are expected;

  1. To know the special safety measure and arrangements to be adopted in their own working areas and to ensure they are applied.
  2. To observe standards of dress consistent with safety and/or hygiene.
  3. To exercise good standards of housekeeping and cleanliness.
  4. To know and apply the emergency procedures in respect of fire and first aid.
  5. To use and not wilfully misuse, neglect or interfere with things provided for his own safety and/or the safety of others.
  6. To co-operate with other employees in promoting improved safety measures in the mosque


The safety of children in classrooms is the responsibility of the class teachers. Class teachers are expected:

  1. To exercise effective supervision of children and to know the emergency procedures in respect of fire, bomb scare and first aid and to carry them out.
  2. To know the special safety measures to be adopted in their own special teaching areas and to ensure that they are applied.
  3. To give clear instructions and warning as often as necessary.
  4. To follow safe working procedures personally.
  1. To make recommendations to their Heads, e.g. on safety equipment and on additions or improvements to plant, tools, equipment or machinery which are dangerous or potentially dangerous.



The children are expected to:

  1. To exercise personal responsibility for the safety of self and classmates.
  2. To observe standards of dress consistent with safety and/or hygiene.
  3. To observe all safety rules of the mosque and in particular the instructions of teaching staff given in an emergency situation.
  4. To use not wilfully misuse, neglect or interfere with things provided for his safety.



Regular visitors to the mosque and other users of the mosque should be required to observe the safety rules of the mosque. In particular parents helping out in mosque should be made aware of the Health and Safety arrangements applicable to them through the teacher to whom they are assigned.

Contractors should be made aware of the mosque’s policies and should satisfy the mosque that they are working in a safe and proper manner in accordance with all statutory and advisory standards.


The mosque must be maintained in a condition, which is safe, and without risk to Health and Safety.

The contractors appointed by the Management will monitor the condition of the mosque premises on a regular basis. They will advise on all matters relating to maintenance improvements and structural changes. Where repairs are needed, care should be taken to ensure that only competent persons are used to carry out such repairs. The advice of the Contractors must be sought where necessary.

Clarification regarding all aspects of building maintenance can be obtained from the Vice Chair. The Building Surveyors will monitor the standards of both Maintenance and repairs undertaken by contractors.


The premises must be kept in a condition, which is safe and without risk to health. An essential part of this commitment is the provision of daily cleaning and refuses disposal.

Cleaning should be carried out daily and refuse collection weekly. All refuse must be removed from the mosque premises daily and placed in secure compound to await collection. It is the responsibility of the contractor to monitor Health and Safety of their own staff. However, all staff and children within the mosque must take responsible care to ensure that their workplace is kept as clean and tidy as possible. Rubbish bins must be used for litter and special items of waste must be disposed of safely.

Lights in the classrooms should be switched off when not in use.



The minimum temperature of 16C should be maintained after the first hour from the official starting time of the mosque session. During warmer weather the temperature should be kept below 27 C, so far as is reasonably possible.



The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 outlines requirements for electrical safety. The requirements of BS 4163: 1984 ‘Health and safety in Workshops of Mosques and Similar Establishments’ will also be adopted.

Before any item of electrical equipment is used, the user should give each item a visual check to ensure there are no obvious defects.

All portable electrical appliances will be checked annually by an electrical contractor. The contractor who carried out such tests will also carry out minor repairs where necessary and also take out of service any items, which do not meet with safety standards.

Only electrical items, which have been approved by the contractors, may be used within the mosque premises. Portable open-bar electrical fires must not be used or stored in mosque. If any person is in doubt as to the suitability of any equipment, advice should be sought.




This will be carried out in accordance with recommendations made under the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 Section 4, which states:

‘Tests should be carried out to prevent danger, all systems shall be maintained so as to prevent, so far as it is reasonable possible, such danger’.

Checks will be carried out on all portable equipment as follows:

An annual visible audit. All staff have a responsibility to view equipment within their own work area and report any problems in respect to worn wiring, loose connections and operational problems to the Head who will be responsible to report it to the Maintenance Committee and follow up that repairs have been done.


All equipment purchased for use in the mosque must be suitable for use at work. If there are enquiries about suitability these should be made to the Vice Chair in the first instance.

All items of furniture have a limited life therefore it is essential that regular visual checks be carried out as part of the annual safety audit.


It is the responsibility of everyone to make these arrangements work. This will ensure, as far, as is reasonably practical, those working conditions are safe and that the life of everyone is accident free.

Any member of staff noticing a failure to comply with this statement of organisation and arrangements or other advice/guidance issued by the Management in pursuance of the safety policy should immediately report the circumstances to the vice chair. The Vice Chair should then initiate appropriate remedial action.

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