Behaviour Policy
Last updated: October 26th, 2020
The behaviour for Learning and Behaviour Principles Policy
Good Behaviour is what we strive through our life to achieve as Muslims. A sign of Allah’s bounty upon the Prophet (peace be upon him) is his good behaviour. This is mentioned in the Quran when Allah the Almighty says:
“And verily you are on an exalted character” (Quran)
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “He is not of us who does not have mercy on young children, nor honour the elderly” (Al-Tirmidhi).
Expectations of everyone regardless of their faith are underpinned by British Values and SMSC such that all children are able to successfully participate in a multicultural Britain and this school. Positive behaviour must be carefully developed and supported. High self-esteem promotes positive behaviour along with effective learning and positive relationships. It is important to reward success and potential and give descriptive praise for effort and achievement, rather than focusing on shortcomings and failure. Encouraging and developing responsibility for own behaviour is also an important element of effective teaching and learning.
The Behaviour Policy
The behaviour of the children in Al Arqam Arabic school should t reflect the Islamic faith and they should be encouraged to:
- Develop respect for others: their feelings, opinions, cultures, limitations and the right to individuality.
- Respect for themselves: pride in their own achievement and that of others in the school, high standards of behaviour and dress, and the desire to produce their best work at all times.
- Develop respect for the environment: their own, the school and other people‘s property and the community in which we live.
And Al Arqam Arabic school will:
- Establish and promote consistent expectations of both staff and children.
- Promote self-discipline and proper regard for authority among children.
- Encourage good behaviour and respect for others and prevent all forms of
bullying among children.
- Foster a culture in which children’ achievements are recognised and celebrated.
- Ensure that staff are seen to be fair and consistent.
- Ensure that all staff are able to take prompt and effective action when children behave inappropriately.
- Promote working in partnership with parents.
Attendance & Punctuality:
We expect our children on roll to attend every session, as long as they are fit and healthy enough to do so. We do all we can to encourage the children to attend.
We believe that the most important factor in promoting good attendance is the development of positive attitudes towards school. Statistics show a direct link between under-achievement and poor attendance. As a school, we strive to support families and pupils to encourage and promote excellent attendance.
it is important to keep the school informed. Under special circumstances, the school can liaise with home to ensure the child receives some school work to keep up to date.
School gates open at 9.50 am and close at 10.15 am. Children must not be left unattended outside the school before the gates open.
Positive Feedback
Here are some practical examples of how we ensure that we give positive feedback to our children at Al-Arqam Arabic school:
✓ Smiley faces
✓ Praise stamps/stickers
✓ Class privilege
✓ Good behaviour/ achievement certificates and prizes are given out monthly
✓ Positive ClassDojo points collection
✓ Golden time
✓ Attendance rewards are given out termly
✓ End of year rewards trips to celebrate exceptional behaviour/ achievement.
We can help your child speak Arabic fluently
Contact Us
- 13-15 Claremont, Bradford, BD7 1BG
- +44 (0) 7393475781