About us

Who we are

Student and teacher | learn Arabic

We are a non-profit supplementary school that operates at the end of the week from 10 am till 2.30 pm to teach Arabic, Islamic education and the Holy Qur’an ..

The school is committed to providing equal opportunities for all its students to obtain an excellent and distinguished education that enables them to adhere to their beliefs and values, sublime Islamic morals and pride in their civilisation.

It is also keen to build the capabilities of its students for creative, independent critical thinking and lifelong self-learning. It works hard to equip them with the necessary skills that enable them to be active and engaged people in ever-changing environments.

Why choose us

We use up to date syllabus and a variety of educational resources that focus on listening, reading, speaking and writing.

One of our students’ success factors is that they are taught by qualified teachers with long experience in teaching the Arabic language.

Our system is creative where students have the right tools and environment to brainstorm practise and implement what they learn.

All our classrooms are technologically enhanced so that our students enjoy a great learning atmosphere for greater success.

Our mission and vison

With the help of Allah (SWT), Al Arqam Arabic School is committed to the following principles:

  • To create a stimulating, safe and secure environment where all members of the school community can work to their full potential, feel valued and respected regardless of race, colour, disability or gender.
  • To take into account the learning needs of each child and provide a learning environment to ensure the highest possible standards of achievement.
  • Prepare our children to become Muslim role models, exemplary citizens in their communities, and to excel in their Quran & Arabic learning.
  • Teach our children to read and understand the message of the Quran, and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and to apply these in every aspect of their personal and professional lives.
  • To provide a balanced and comprehensive curriculum drawing on the Islamic knowledge and incorporating different Arab culture;
  • To develop effective liaison with parents and the local community;
Arabic lessons in Bradford

We can help your child speak Arabic fluently

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